Scallywags Pet Of The Month - April

Scallywags Pet Of The Month - April

Black and white cocker spaniel sitting happily on the grass with an orange heart banner saying scallywags pet of the month

Our April Pet of the Month for Scallywags is Max!

With Easter just around the corner, we have an eggcellent Pet of the Month for April! Meet Max, the cocker spaniel, a playful chap who adores eating shoes.

Black and white spaniel holding a colourfully painted easter egg in its mouth

Good afternoon Max

Good afternoon

Are you getting excited for Easter?

I am, my Mum keeps hiding colourful eggs for me to fetch.

Are you sure they're for fetching?

Of course, just like the shoes and socks. People leave them all over the house for me to bring back to them. I like to help.

Black and white cocker spaniel panting

That is very kind of you. Are you sure they don't mind?

Absolutely. Mummy sometimes puts her socks in the spinning machine, so I am constantly having to fetch them out and put them back. She would be lost without my help.

I am sure she would. Is Mummy your best friend?

She is!

That's lovely. How would you describe your perfect day?

I love every day. I am happy as long as there is some eating, some sleeping and plenty of playing.

Black and white cocker spaniel looking sad at the camera

Me too, Max. What is your favourite game to play?

I love chasing a ball best.

Fantastic! Is the ball your favourite toy?

Nope, my favourite toy is my blanket. I nibble it and chew it all up and it's so much fun.

It sounds like it! Okay, what sort of treats and snacks do you like best?

I love whatever you give me!

Black and white cocker spaniel looking happy and panting

Well, it's wonderful to meet someone who is so easy to please.

I just want to be friends.

We can definitely be friends. Right, I have one last very important question for you Max. Yes? Are you a good boy?

Mummy says I am a very good boy, but only when I am not taking socks and shoes...

Signature of the name max with two dog footprints

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